Tuesday, September 4, 2012

4 Cliche Datisms That I Wish Weren't Mine, But Unfortunately They Are and I Have to Live with That, So You Do, Too.

First of all, isn't that a sweet title?! My angst and frustration are vividly demonstrated.

When it comes to dating, you could say I'm like the kid on the soccer team that's really great at scoring goals, and not really great at knowing which goal to score in. Everyone could be yelling from the sidelines that I'm "GOING THE WRONG WAY!" but I'd end up shooting anyway, and making all net, baby, and that's all that matters! Riiiiiight?

If I lost you in that analogy, I think I mean, in terms of dating, I am always chasing after the wrong ones and leaving the good ones a half a field behind me. Maybe not always, but it's definitely been known to happen from time to time.  I'm pretty typical - a typical lesbian, a typical chick, a typical type - you could say. I'd like to think that I'd finally be different for someone, or make someone want to be different and change their own ways, but who am I kidding? Apparently, I'm just a giant walking lesbo cliche.

Here's some things I do in dating that are just super cliche and typical. All I can say about them is I'm aware of them, I TRY to work on them, and my bad, man.

  1. Jumping to conclusions. Regardless of your real reasons, I've been known to create my own. Good or bad, well, that's neither here nor there, of course. Maybe it's my independence and my ability to think for myself (yea, that's it...), or maybe it's just that the people I've dated have the tendency to blur the lines a little bit in an attempt to keep me guessing or to make my life hell. Either way, I'm not a fan of the open-endedness that tends to haunt my love life. Therefore, creating these excuse-filled conclusions for the lack-luster loves in my life gives me a sense of control and closure. And it also gives me the ability to give you the finger every time you cross my mind now. Because I'm mature like that.
  2. Not making my feelings known. I sometimes attempt to be the laid-back, care-free and "Of course I can fly by the seat of my pants!" girl that everyone seems to be looking for these days. After much introverted deliberation, involving singledom and alcohol, I'm sure, I sometimes keep my true feelings building up inside of me until there's a fork in the road and I finally have to make my feelings known. At that point it can be too late. I tell myself it's never too late for true love - that just wasn't meant to be. I know what you're thinking but hey, I TOLD YOU THESE WERE CLICHES, OKAY?!   
  3. Seeming desperate when I'm really just bored, lonely, or -well- horny. I know that the line between desperation and pretty much ANYTHING will almost always mean desperation. But to me, desperation is just disappointment in disguise. Someone that's desperate is really just finally realizing that the person they are in love with is no longer impressive. In fact, they are unimpressive in every possible way. Now, they have to deal with that gigantic dick of a let-down. BUT before they deal, they hit rock bottom and play any card they can. Not by choice, of course. But we've all done it. NOT JUST ME. I hate desperation almost as much as I hate jealousy (nothing really comes close to jealousy, though). The idea of seeming desperate was most likely thought up by some very conceited person that was so utterly glad to have the attention of someone, but who had too much pride to admit that they might feel the same way. So they just pretend that they don't feel that way, and they call you a crazy desperate person to make themselves look good. There. Take that, desperation creator. I called you out.
  4. Having a one-track mind. I am not a good dater whatsoever. If I have someone on my mind, it's literally impossible for me to successfully date anyone else. Because of two reasons: I feel like I'm ripping myself off by being with someone I don't necessarily want to be with, and obviously, I feel like I'm ripping off my date. Even if they are still thinking about their ex the entire time we are together, I'd rather not be together at all in that case. Maybe we could just take shots, and talk about who we REALLY wish we were with at this awesome bar? Now, that's a date I'd attend.

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