Sunday, September 9, 2012

30 Things that Cross My Mind on My 30-Minute Commute

Sometimes I legitimately start to think I'm a crazy person due to the random shit that consumes my head during my 30-minute commute. The things that cross my mind are not always healthy, but they are surely ridiculous. In my defense, my morning commute is SO early... 6:30am is far too early to be capable of thinking clearly. That's why the things I think about make me a nut-job. Read on, you'll see what I mean:

  1. Monday can suuuuuuuuuuuck my butt.
  2. Dear iPod, please stay away from any sad love songs this morning. I'm not stable enough for this nonsense this early in the am. Skip that song... and that song...
  3. I wonder what Zac Hanson is doing right now...
  4. I definitely shouldn't have stayed out until 3am.
  6. Reminder: I have to have a job. I worked hard to make it this far. This is what I SHOULD be doing. Just keep swimming.
  7. Someday I'll drive a car for this 30 minutes that doesn't have ANY blown speakers, and it will be in. fucking. credible.
  8. I think I'm still drunk.
  9. What's for breakfast? And lunch? What's for dinner?
  10. It's just a little rain, step on it, pokey!
  11. Hey, hey, you, you, I don't like your girlfriend... no way, no way, I think you need a new one.
  12. I know it's the ass crack of dawn right now, but why must you drive like an idiot?!
  13. Hope I don't make any last minute plans for after work because my hair looks a hot mess now, I can only imagine what it will look like 10 hours from now.
  14. Ugh, I miss you.
  15. How much sick leave do I have available? You're halfway there, Erica. Be a grown up, damnit.
  16. I hope no one freaking bothers me today. And I also hope I don't get any random assignments. Or any emails for that matter. Yea, I hope no one emails me or calls me or even LOOKS AT ME.
  17. I'm definitely still drunk.
  18. I'm totally taking a nap when I get off work.
  19. Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number...
  20. Thank god this day is over, I'm finally free! 
  21. What's for dinner?!
  22. Go home, run, make something healthy for dinner, don't spend any money.
  23. I'm so grateful my sister invited me to dinner, I almost had to go home, run, and make my own dinner! Close call on that one.
  24. Why is my gas tank ALWAYS on E? Never fails. 
  25. Yes, I dance alone in my car, nosey car next to me. Say somethin!
  26. I can't believe I didn't get pulled over just then... must have hit the brakes JIT.
  28. Is it pay day yet?
  29. I need sleeeeeeeep.

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