Thursday, July 19, 2012

6 Truths that Hurt Like a Bitch

We are all well aware that the truth hurts, man. Even Usher thinks so. Here's some truths that hurt so bad sometimes, it was even painful to type them.

1. You might be young. But the truth is, you're only as wild and free as your bank account allows. Contradicting, I realize. Free doesn't equal free. Everything costs money these days. Chances are, it doesn't take a whole lot of money to make you happy, but it at least takes some. For example, something free and fun to do would be a concert of some sort. Something not so free (but even more fun!) would be all the alcohol you'd like to consume before/during/after said free concert!

2. The truth is, people choose to disappear from your life, whether they realize it or not. Nothing makes someone leave you and your life except them making the decision to do it. But it's okay to continue feeding yourself excuses for them. Seriously, tell yourself whatever you need to. Do whatever it takes to fucking move on from it. If they choose to leave you, then you should let them go. Make room for someone who wants you because you're amazing, not someone who wants to take for granted how amazing you are.

3. The truth is, we are always looking for the next best thing. Sure, I can sit here behind my 7-year old Macbook and type that I am "extremely happy with present-day Erica." Syke! What I really want to say is that I wish present-day Erica made enough dough to buy a brand new iPad, equipped with a keyboard, mouse, fancy case- all those fixins. But I definitely don't make enough dough for all those fixins. So, with that said, I'm looking forward to the time when I do. Just like you are looking forward to that promotion you've been working your ass off for, or that knight on a white horse to sweep you up and take you far, far away from your loser-significant-other misery, or whatever the case may be. Looking ahead is good, and (flexible) planning of a future is an absolute must. But we can't forget to look at today, as well.

4. The truth is, your family members are your best friends. No matter how many friends you have, or how great they are to you, your family, whether it's your Mom, your Dad, a sister, a cousin, a cousin's cousin's cousin, will always out-do them. And when you finally find someone to commit to and spend your Sunday Funday's, shitty Monday-Thursday's, Friday night and all day Saturday with, they become your family members. You see? You just turned a best friend into a family member. Looky there. That, my friend, is what they call MONOGAMY. Absurd for us twenty-somethings with YOLO on the brain, I know. Also, that's not to be confused with BOGO...

5. The truth is, no matter how many times you make a wish at 11:11, the chances of that wish actually coming true are, at most, slim to none. In fact, don't wish on stars, or when you blow out the candles, or when you pick an eyelash off your face, or EVER. If your wish is that someone would call you, get drunk and just call them. If it's that you wish you could go #2, buy some laxatives and stay in for the night (it happens...). If it's that you want to win the lottery, just give that up already. Seriously. Dad's everywhere already wished that. But I guess buy a ticket if that's your only wish in life. Whatev.

6. The truth is, your happiness lies in you, and ONLY you. Not in the city you reside, not in the job you have, not even in the company you keep. The only way to be happy is to make yourself happy. If you've ever wondered why, when someone is totally dragging you down, and nothing anyone says makes you feel better, it's because their opinion and advice, however valuable it may be, isn't going to save you. Only you can save you. Until you've figured that out, you will never be able to make anyone else happy, and you will constantly wonder why it's not working for you. Make yourself happy. And then do what it takes to make someone you are absolutely crazy about happy, too.

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