Saturday, June 30, 2012

Why You Feel the Way You Do

Because you have never met anyone like them.

Because you connect with them more than you've ever connected with anyone.

Because when you are together, you never concern yourself with anyone else because no one else even matters at this point.

Because there is no one else you would rather sleep with, lay with, do nothing with, drink with, dance with, or even fly a kite with.

Because ending a sentence with a preposition seems perfectly okay when talking about them.

Because they show up at your house whenever they please, take you completely off-guard, and proceed to say all of the right things. In large part because they are excellent bullshitters, but they say the right things, nonetheless.

Because they look at you like you are the only person they want to see. Even through the alcohol, you tell yourself this is how they always look at you, and what's not to love about that?

Because there is no one else you would want to call in sick for.

Because there is no one else you would want to wake up to.

Because everything they do makes you look at life differently than you ever have.

Because you can laugh and talk together; and a great conversation about important, or even unimportant, things is way underrated and surprisingly, hard to come by.

Because they are the perfect amount of spontaneity and predictability, and the least amount boring.

Because on a scale of one to 10, they are an 11 and you don't even feel corny when you say it.

Because even if they don't know what they want, you know what you want, and that's enough for you.

Because even though life gets in the way, you want to do whatever it takes to make it work.

Because when you have feelings like this, bad timing can be overlooked.

Because the second you met them, you felt like they were it. It was that feeling everyone always says you would feel.

Because they came so easily into your life that it couldn't be wrong.

Because this feeling is more than enough to be called love.

Because when you know, you just know.

Because, ultimately, you can't help the way you feel.

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