We've all heard that social media is just the "Highlight Reel" of someone's life. I completely agree with this notion. However, being the realist that I am, I find the concept to be quite unacceptable. I mean, lives are DRASTICALLY changing, for better or for worse, each and every second of every single day. Whether it be from something in or out of someone's control, completely on purpose or totally on accident. There's no way to stop the good and the bad of the world from happening to you.
If you are getting all of your information on someone via Facebook, chances are, it's only the good that you will learn about them. I see engagements and weddings, babies and kids growing up. Selling houses and buying houses and cars and vacations and new pets and new jobs and SO MANY GREAT THINGS ARE HAPPENING. But, at the risk of prompting some baby daddy drama and things a little TMI (even for me), I would like to suggest the Highlight Reel gain a twin sister: the Downright Real.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not a horrid person. I am always very happy for my Facebook friends who are getting engaged, married, having babies and buying mansions, etc.. I have no issues being happy for people when they're successful and happy for themselves. But frankly, I would LOVE to see some good ol' realistic bullshit on my News Feed for a change. Some glimmer of hope that I'm not the only person coping with a really shitty hand today. Please know that I'm not WISHING bad things upon you. But I will say... I will never know if you have to make up something halfway horrible just to make me feel better about my
For instance, what does a gal need to do in order to see some foul-worded texts from your girlfriend after you left your dirty clothes on the floor? Why can't you post the pile of shitty diapers you had to change today? Your newborn baby is cute and all, but you know what's NOT cute about a newborn baby? Newborn baby shitty diapers. Bring 'em on. Oh, the things I would do just to see that you, like the rest of us, are just as annoyed with your waytoodrunk significant other. Instead, you choose to post only the BEFORE photos. Why you gotta skeet us like that? Or heaven forbid, what does it take to see someone posting a status owning up to completely fucking something up instead of a status about just hoooooow gorgeously kiiiiiind this world is? We all know that this world is not always kind. Life is not always a beach (no matter how much you Instagram one). Sometimes, life is a complete and utter bitch.
All of this negative wishful thinking could just be the state of mind that I'm in lately given my current circumstances. As someone who isn't afraid to share my world, I can recognize when my friends are the same way and appreciate that you can share with me. But it's not really sharing your world if you're only showing us the highs. The ups are only half of your world. You can't fool us all by only showing us your happy. We are all in this sometimes high and sometimes low life together. And it's time we start acting like it. Tell me your lows and let's cheers to those for a change. They're a better reason to drink, anyway.
The Downright Real |
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