I've decided lately that no matter how much I plan something, and no matter how much I WANT something, hard work and an A for effort can only take me so far. I've learned that since I can't control anything or anyone, like good ol' Steve Jobs says, I just need to trust in something instead. For me, I want to trust in what I deserve. Call it karma, if you want, but I want to know what I'm looking for in a person, and I want to know what I deserve in a person, just like I want to know what I deserve in my career, in friendships, and in life in general.
For me, at this point in my life, this isn't the pivotal age to be figuring EVERYTHING out. It's only the time to be figuring out what I deserve and what I'm aiming to achieve and who I'm hoping to notsettlebutsettledownwith. And that's perfectly okay. It's totally FINE to not have a significant other, or my dream job, or my dream car - things that I know I would love to have someday, but it's not right this second and that's alright. That way, when I actually need to figure something out for good, not only will I have a great starting point, I will have a very well-thought out idea of what exactly I deserve.
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